(Video link here.) Ever since we saw this 3 minute bit from comedian Louis C.K.’s amazing tv series Louie we’ve been looking for a video clip  to post; we FINALLY found one.  As Louie drives his daughters to visit their ancient aunt in the country,  The Who‘s “Who are You?” comes on the CD player. The valiant, crazy vision of Louie playing air guitar as he drives and his daughters cringe knocked us out.

Commenter named Alonso summed it up perfectly:  “this this is beautiful. natural yet risky.

Louie totally went with the jammin’ music of his youth at the risk of making a fool of himself. As we all should, and often do. Natural yet risky.

Louie is some kind of wiseman (which we discovered years go from his (“Everything’s amazing and nobody’s happy” riff on Conan). At another point in the Country Ride episode, he admonishes his daughters:

‘I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless, it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand?  The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored.”

You can find the full episode 5 of Season 2 of Louie here.

Related posts: ‘everything is so amazing, but nobody is happy’
louis c.k on being broke (with su tung-p’o)
how ‘not giving a sh*t can really help you a lot
7 principles of comedy/design/creating anything
daily tonic: johnny cash, the carter family + louis c.k.x

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4 replies on “louis c.k. car dances ‘who are you?’ + rants on boredom

  1. this post reminds me of the only forbidden word in our home – ask my daughters and they will tell you “bored” – makes me cringe – just heard an interview w/Louis C.K. yesterday on public radio – admire him. great way to start the morning…thanks

  2. Love it!!! I sometimes do that in the car and my teenagers both yell at me, “Mom put your hands on the wheel!” Sometimes they even grab the wheel while I’m in the middle of a drum solo. All I can say is:
    #1 I always feel better after a grown up sing along.
    #2 Thank God we live in the country where the roads are often empty.

  3. This basically happened to my husband, son and I last summer while driving to Michigan. The song was James “Laid” We had it cranked people were staring my son, then mortified, now knows all the lyrics, yes all of them!

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