windowsill still-lives: mindfulness practice in action

Mindfulness practice – learning to be present in each moment– is something many people are embracing these days. Business are incorporating it and classes abound. Perhaps the most often-recommended “exercise” is washing dishes mindfully, although we know few people who really do it. Recently, we heard of one that did, truly. No surprise, it is…

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for boston (redux)

We’ve looked for quotes about violence and about terrorism that would shed some light on what happened in Boston yesterday… find some good, make us feel better. The only thing we could think to do is bear witness, hold those who were so gravely hurt in our hearts, keep a vigil…which we will today. This…

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‘my dinner with andre’ on the meaning of life + coffee

(Video link here.)  One of our favorite films has long been My Dinner with Andre, which is, on the surface, a conversation between two friends during dinner in a French restaurant in New York City. Andre Gregory vividly describes his revelatory, new-ageish, risk-taking experiences in experimental theatre while his modest less-adventurous friend Wally Shawn listens and…

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jack kerouac’s crazy-wise advice + that improv scroll

We really love Flavorwire’s recent The Craziest Advice from Famous People which includes some wild stuff from cultural icons like Courteney Love, William Burroughs and Frank Zappa. We couldn’t help thinking that Jack Kerouac’s Belief & Technique for Modern Prose is a very curiously syncopated Beat poem full of jazzy wisdom about the creative process and…

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miracle water-base paint formula for kitchen cabinets, bookcases + furniture

Recently, a friend mentioned her attempt to paint her wooden kitchen cabinets white using latex paint. Several months after she’d completed them, they’d yellowed and were difficult to clean. We’ve heard that complaint before about latex-painted furniture, and experienced the way it can remain “sticky”, a serious problem with bookshelves. We’d always thought that oil-base…

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‘make a mark!’ with whatever is at hand

Last Fall, designer Susan Dworski, a reader and frequent commenter, happened to mention carving rubber stamps out of Staedler Mars erasers to make artworks. “How did you get into that? we asked. Her answer was stunning: Been carving them since 1980 when our house burned down, and only my studio was saved. All four of us all…

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the magic of an orange table top + high gloss oil paint

A slab of wood on a repurposed base made fab by the orange lacquer surface: the miracle of high gloss paint. The secret to getting truly shiny high gloss is to use oil base (alkyd) paint. When we did side-by-side tests of high gloss alkyd and water-base latex paint we made a big discovery: the…

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afternoon break: skip some stones across a pond

(Video link here.)  We were poking around our friend Anne Johnson’s new website, and found this sweet little video: a perfect afternoon break. And we know pulsing and resting is the best way to work. The virtues of virtual stone skipping! Related posts: vacation (or weekend) mental prep peep show gif: funny, risqué, slightly x-rated…

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