New Yorker staff writer Emily Nussbaum posed this question on her Twitter:

What is your best LIFE HACK??

The answers were amazingly wise and/or useful. Here are our favorites:

The only way I am able to find enough time to read The New Yorker each week is by tearing out a few pages and slapping them up on my wet shower wall to read while I suds and shave up. End of shower, I just ball them up and throw them away.

Living under our means.

Lowering expectation

Eliminating expectations.

Learn to be wrong. Learn how to change your mind with more information.

When walking the dog while wearing your mask, use the dog’s nose to wet your fingers to open the poop bag

Creatively, you can do whatever you like. Just don’t expect others to be into what you are doing and you’ll have a great time!

20 minute power naps.

Arrange your mornings so that your body, not an alarm clock, says “time to get up”.

Listen to podcasts and audiobooks on 1.5 speed

Saying no. And flagging emails to respond to later when I’m good and ready.


non/weird reactions from people you interact with generally has nothing to do with you and shouldn’t be taken personally

Listening to audiobooks and podcasts while doing mundane chores. They don’t feel like chores anymore!

Always prioritize getting enough sleep.

Listen more than you talk. Always have more questions rather than thinking you know the answers. Be curious rather than right.

…something I do for @EricaTweets – she goes to bed before me most of the time and during the colder months, I’ll get in to her side of the bed beforehand for a few minutes and warm up the sheets, etc.

To that Bentalope replied:

Your life hack is kindness, which could be considered the greatest hack…

…when you’re sad, think of Julia Child saying things like “tarte tatin”

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2 replies on “Exceptional Life Hacks from Strangers

  1. While food shopping with a mask on and trying to find the opening of plastic produce bags, I find a bin of veggies with ice to touch or any just-splashed produce so I can wet my fingers without licking them, then rub the bag between my thumb and index finger to make the bag surrender its seal.

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