Gary Snyder’s Buddhist Grace

We’ve come upon this passage about saying grace before a meal many times while flipping through The Gary Snyder Reader and each time have thought, We need to do that, to at least think it if not say it aloud. Snyder’s view is just right. He puts eating in a bigger context that we find deeply connecting and comforting. His grace is about taking a moment to think about our food and to express gratitude for the hugely creative force behind it.

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An Innovative Farm Experiment + ‘The Dirty Life’

For the past couple of months, we’ve been participating in Essex Farm’s innovative CSA experiment. Curious about its origins, we’ve been reading The Dirty Life: A Memoir of Farming, Food, and Love, ex-journalist/city girl Kristin Kimball’s tale of her unexpected transformation into a farmer and partner of Mark Kimball, whose vision drove Essex from the start. He is a man after our own hearts (and hers, after some wild adventures)…

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keith stewart’s books on farming + 20 points to ponder

Keith Stewart is a writer despite himself. Even with the massive responsibilities and demands of his organic farm with it’s hundred or so varieties of produce, he has written regularly and wonderfully about the inside of farming and living a rural life, from numerous magazine articles to It’s a Long Road to a Tomato: Tales of an Organic…

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